Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Students have been researching the Finance cluster. I would like for them
to reflect on three similarities and three differences in that cluster (a
total of six items). After that, I'd like for them to reflect on what they
have learned (the takeaway) about that cluster
I have observed that the two jobs are in the same cluster, but are different and alike.The two careers wer Accountant and Finance examiners. The first reason that these careers are alike is the fact that they share many of the knowledge, skills, and abilities. Some of these are Economics, Accounting, Mathematics, and Administration. The next reason these are alike is because of the Education required for the two jobs. The education ranges in both carrers from a Bachelors Degree, up to a Masters Degree. The last reason they're alike is the Work Values. Some of the values are Achievement, Independence, and Support that these share. However, the careers are different in other ways. The Projected growth in these two careers are different. A Finance Examiner has a 20% to 28% projected growth, and an Accountant has a 10% to 19% growth. The next reason they're different is because of the Tasks/Work Activities. Some of the tasks off a Accountant are Prepare, examine, or analyze accountant record and Maintain or examine records. The tasks of a Finance Examiner is Train other examiners and review audit reports. The last reason these two careers are different is the related occupations. Some of the related occupations of a Finance Examiner are Budget Analyst, and Credit Analyst, Financial Analyst, and a Managment Analyst. The related occupations of an Accountant are Auditors,Insurance underwriters, and Risk Managment Specialist. These reflected on me because I learned that if you want to be in this cluster you have to love math and love it. Frankly, it is not the job for me because I defiantly do not love math.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
My two careers that I researched yesterday in the Governemnt and Public Administration cluster was Political Scientist and Chief Executive. These two careers are actually alike, even though that sound completely different from the names. These two careers share very many things such as the tools and technologies that they share. The next thing is the education that is needed for each of the jobs. Another thing that is alike is the fact that they hyave many of the same Knowledge Skills and Abilities factors. You think that is? No heres a few more. The two careers both have the same projected growth of 3 to 9%. I know it sounds kind of weird, but it makes sense. The last factor that makes these two careers alike is the fact that they both share the same Work Styles and Values. Some of these are integrity, independence, attention to detail, innovation, and persistence. If you think about it, common sense would tell you that jobs in the Government and Public Administration would share these qualities.
Friday, November 1, 2013
This week,
I'd like to read about my students' reflections on what we did in class and
why we did it. Hopefully I did a good job of letting them know what the
plan was/is
I think this week was to show how the colors of our personalities can reflect the career choices that we can make. This week I had to choose a career that was a green card. My choice was a police detective for this week and I realized that it really wasn't that bad. To be honest, many of my personality types matched up to help me realize that, that job really wasn't that bad of a pair up for me. Now, of course it didn't completely interest me, but there could be a job in that career cluster that I might enjoy. This week really reflected on me as a way of showing that we might like a job that we thought were completly different from what we expected it to be. However, as the week started and progressed, I realized more about who I am and the job descriptions that I am looking into before I even think about looking into the job. I love to be active and hands on, therefore I have realized I need to find a job that has new scenery and different kinds of action every day.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Art Technicians vs. Business Management and Administration
Now, I bet your thinking about what this is going to be about. Today I'm going to be comparing the two clusters Art Technicians and Business Management and Administration.The description of an Art technician is to plan or conduct art therapy sessions or programs to improve clients' physical, cognitive, or emotional well-being. Now if you're wondering what that means, it is to pretty much use your imagination to improve somebody's physical and mental being. What sets them off from the cluster Business Management and Administration is all in the description. Compose letters or electronic correspondance in reply to request for merchandise, damage claims, credit and other information. Duties may include gathering data. Now what that means in a nut shell is to use letters and email to respond to people to manage merchandise in a business. Therefore, the job descriptions tell you the exact reason why they are different.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
How does your #2 card influence your #1 card that fits you best?
My true color that I found out yesterday was to be orange. Now, orginally I thought that I was a gold card but it soon turned out that I am orange and gold is my second. Now, I bet you're thinking it's weird that I can't even guess what card I am, even though I know myself better than anybody. But this reason is because my gold inside of me influences my orange. This being is because Gold is a person who follows rules and respects the athority, has a strong sense about what is right, needs to be useful and to belong, value home, family, and tradition, and am a natural preserver, a good citizen, and helpful. Now, the orange card is literally the complete opposite. I act on the moment's notice, consider life as a game, here and now, I need fun, variety, stimulation, and exexcitement, I value skill, recoursefullness, and freedom, and I am a natural trouble-shooter, a performer, and a competitor. But the reason gold is my second is because I've done a lot of things I shouldn't have. Now I don't mean illegal, but I've pushed my limits with my curiosity many times.This makes me bring out my gold because I know how it feels to be on the other side, and it makes me do gold things. Therefore, my gold side shows because of the mistakes I make as an orange, so it's all part of learning and fixing the things I've done.
Friday, October 18, 2013
today we studied the discovery of peoples true colors. The true colors are considered as Blue, Green, Ornage, and Gold. Blue means-that your known to soothe your nerves. Green- an expression of someone using their logic. Orange- is a person often used to promote action, motivation, excitement. Gold- is a person with many morals associated with them. We were given the task of naming four teachers who each reflect to us as each of the different cards. Now I believed the Blue card teacher as Mrs.E. She is always a caring person and wants you to always feel at home before she teaches you something. Next is a green card teacher. I would have to choose this as Mr. Happ. He is always using his logic to solve a problem everyday, and that is math. He is defiantly the hardest teacher I've ever had, but he forces you to use logic everyday. The Orange card teacher is defiantly not a no brainer. All the teachers try to teach you things, but I'd say Mr. Dunham. He probably teaches me the least amount of stuff, but everything that I learn I obsorb. This being he makes it exciting, so I remember it very well. It actually ends up that I probably learn more in that class than any other. And this brings me to the teacher that I award with the gold card is Mrs. Wilson. She is always using her smarts and being on task. She can get anyhting graded and done on the time she tells you. However, she never backs down from the tasks she has on mind. This moves me on to my classmates who earn each card. My blue card goes out to Sydney. She is always making sure everyone is included and feeling appreciated. My Green card is given to Michael. All he ever does is use his logic, and it comes in handy. My orange card goes out to Hannah. She doesn't care about much, but she defiantly can make your day fun! My last card goes out to my friend Sammy. I don't think he's ever not done something that he said he's going to do! He never breaks a moral and is always on task.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Business Managment blog
I would like to read about the job descriptions,
skills needed, and education requirements for each of the careers they
chose to research. It should be some interesting stuff!
This week we were assigned to do two jobs in the career cluster Business Managment and Administration. I chose the job Correspondance Clerk and Medical and Health Services Managers. Now I bet your thinking my second job choice sounds more like Human services, but here is why it's not. The job description for this job is to plan, direct, or coordinate medical and health services in hospitals, clinics, managed care organizations, public health agencies, or similar organizations. Now what this means in a nutshell is instead of dealing with the patients, it manages and plans the things that happen in the hospital. the skills mainly needed are Costumer and Personal service, administration and management,and personal and human recources. There are many more things needed, but these are a big part of it. The only education required for that job would be a Bachelor's degree ranging up to a Master's degree. My next job that I chose was a Correspondance Clerk. Their job description is to Compose letters or electronic correspondence in reply to requests for merchandise, damage claims, credit and other information, delinquent accounts, incorrect billings, or unsatisfactory services. Duties may include gathering data to formulate reply and preparing correspondence. What this pretty much means is to respond to people according to what they are demanding for from the business, and try to give them what they need. The skills needed for this are Costumer and Personal Service, Mathematics, Computers and Electronics, and Social Perceptivness. Of course there are many more but these are defiantly the most important. The education required can range anywhere from a high school diploma all the way to a little bit of college.
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Today I got on career cruising to find the best way for me that will help me learn.I was given the tactial category as to which that is how I learn the best. The best way for me to learn are listed below:
Rewriting my notes or typing them on the computer
Think through a problem while doing something physical like exercise .
Make diagrams, notes, and flash cards as a way of being physical with the information.
Actively work the information you are learning by making models or doing demonstrations and practice assignments.
Use role playing to practice skills or act out what you are learning.
Take short breaks for physical activity when studying.
Although I am mainly a tactical worker, I also learn better in some ways by visual, which can also come in handy.
So, all on all you can say I learn from actually doing something with my hands. But, if I need to visual learning can do me some good also.
What is your style? What does your style mean to you? How does it impact your learning? How might you use this learning style knowledge to make things easier in high school and beyond?
First off, what is style? In my opinion style is who you are, and the things you like. My style would have to be being busy, and being helpful while doing it. My style means eveything to me. It's kinda who I am, or who I seek to be. It affects the things that I try to focus the most on in school. Picking my classes in highschool is kinda based on what I want to become one day. This learning style can help me learn more about a job before I decide to gain the knowledge before I pursue my dreams. I don't want to get education to become something that I thought was something, that really isnt what I thought it was.
Human Services
Over the past few days in my career exploration class we have been going over the cluster Human Services. Although I've been absent from this class for the past days for sports, the day I was here it was obvious what this cluster was about. The two jobs that I observed were Human Recouces Specialist and Human Factors Engineers and Egronomics. Human Recouces Specialist is pretty much the recruiter for workers. They make a decent salry for a bachelor's degree of $55,800 and have a 20% to 28% growth. If your lookin for a job in this cluster I would be sure to look into this job. My other job, Human Factors Engineers and Egronomics, consits of a Master's or Bahcelor's degree which adds up to the whopping pay of $78,860. Although, the job only has a 3% to 9% job growth. Although I wanna be more in the range of the Health and Human Services cluster, Human Services still has a big roll in my job. It's important because in my job I'm looking to help people. So, either way Human Services will still be a big role in my job.
Monday, October 7, 2013
"Students in Career Exploration classes did research in Human Services and
STEM this week. I wonder what kind of connections they can make between the
two careers they chose within the Cluster they were researching!" I have done two careers in the cluster STEM and I've made some connections between the two jobs. I relized that the two careers both have to do with technologies, that involve them to share many of the same knowledges and abilities that enable them to do their jobs. Although, they both differ in big ways. The Cleaners of Vehicles and Equipment require a lot lower education. This is due to the fact that it is a lot simpler than Serospace Engineering and Operations Technician. The responsibility is a lot a lot higher in Aersospace jobs.
Friday, September 27, 2013
The question I pose is why do you think STEM is the only academy that shares a
name with one of the 16 Career Clusters?
The only reason that STEM has its own academy is because it's so vast. But, stem all covers one thing, math. The math is connected to all of the clusters though, which make it unique. It has to be an academy and the same cluster because they all are involved with math. And the name STEM covers all of the things that have to do with math. Therefore, if you just say STEM then you can talk about all of the things that have to do with STEM. The other academies have different names for there cluster because technology doesn't cover all of the other detailed parts of math. Different technology's are based upon different kind of tecnology techniques. But in STEM all math has to do with numbers. even if the equation is a-b theres still 2 letters in the equation.
Friday, September 20, 2013
German career cluster 5
DanishAzerbaijaniGermanDas Wissen, das ich über diese Klasse gewonnen habe, ist astronomisch. Ich habe gelernt, dass viele Arbeitsplätze in Bezug auf bestimmte Cluster sind einfach nicht für mich. Es hat sich viele Arbeitsplätze gibt, die sind einfach nicht mein Ding geschnitten. Ich habe auch gelernt, dass ich wirklich in den verwandten Berufen überprüfen müssen. Es könnte eine Arbeit, die Sie wirklich mögen, aber es ist ein Job, der sehr ähnlich ist, aber wird Ihr Lohn verdoppeln! Außerdem müssen Sie in, wo Sie wollen einen Tag leben zu überprüfen, weil einige besser gewesen, zu bezahlen und einmal retirments Sie nehmen die Kosten des Wohnens
Greek career cluster 5
Η γνώση που έχω αποκτήσει πάνω από αυτή την κατηγορία είναι αστρονομικό. Έχω μάθει ότι πολλές θέσεις εργασίας που σχετίζονται με ορισμένες ομάδες απλά δεν είναι για μένα. Έχει περικόψει πολλές θέσεις εργασίας εκεί έξω που απλά δεν είναι φλιτζάνι του τσαγιού μου. Έχω μάθει επίσης ότι πρέπει να ελέγξει πραγματικά στα συναφή επαγγέλματα. Θα μπορούσε να υπάρξει μια δουλειά που σας αρέσει, αλλά υπάρχει μια δουλειά που είναι πολύ παρόμοια, αλλά θα διπλασιάσει την αμοιβή σας! Επίσης, θα πρέπει να ελέγξετε σε περίπτωση που θέλουν να ζήσουν μια μέρα, επειδή μερικά έχουν καλύτερες αμοιβές και retirments τη στιγμή που θα πάρουν το κόστος ζωής.
Chinese career cluster 5
Wǒ yǐjīng huòdéle chāoguò zhège lèi de zhīshì shìgè tiānwén shùzì. Wǒ xué dàole xǔduō gōngzuò shèjí dào yīdìng de jíqún zhǐshì bù shìhé wǒ. Tā yǐjīng xuējiǎnle dàliàng de jiùyè jīhuì, zài nàlǐ, zhǐshì bùshì wǒ dì nà bēi chá. Wǒ yě zhīdào wǒ xūyào zhēnzhèng de cháxún dào xiāngguān de zhíyè. Yǒu kěnéng shì yīgè nǐ zhēnzhèng xǐhuan de gōngzuò, dàn yǒu yīgè fēicháng xiāngsì de gōngzuò, dàn jiāng zēngjiā yī bèi, nǐ de gōngzī! Lìngwài, nǐ xūyào jiǎnchá nǐ xiǎng zhù yītiān, yīn wéi yīxiē yǒu gèng hǎo de gōngzī hé retirments yīdàn nǐ ná chū de shēnghuófèi.
My connection to this class in the past 5 clusters
The knowledge I've gained over this class is astronomical. I've learned that many jobs related to certain clusters just aren't for me. It has cut down many jobs out there that just aren't my cup of tea. I've also learned that I need to really check into the related occupations. There could be a job you really like, but there's a job that's very similar but will double your pay! Also, you need to check into where you want to live one day, because some have better pay and retirments once you take out the cost of living.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Intro to my blog
This is a blog that shows what were learning in class. We're gonna be blogging about careers we are discussing, depending on our clsuters.
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