Tuesday, October 22, 2013


How does your #2 card influence your #1 card that fits you best? My true color that I found out yesterday was to be orange. Now, orginally I thought that I was a gold card but it soon turned out that I am orange and gold is my second. Now, I bet you're thinking it's weird that I can't even guess what card I am, even though I know myself better than anybody. But this reason is because my gold inside of me influences my orange. This being is because Gold is a person who follows rules and respects the athority, has a strong sense about what is right, needs to be useful and to belong, value home, family, and tradition, and am a natural preserver, a good citizen, and helpful. Now, the orange card is literally the complete opposite. I act on the moment's notice, consider life as a game, here and now, I need fun, variety, stimulation, and exexcitement, I value skill, recoursefullness, and freedom, and I am a natural trouble-shooter, a performer, and a competitor. But the reason gold is my second is because I've done a lot of things I shouldn't have. Now I don't mean illegal, but I've pushed my limits with my curiosity many times.This makes me bring out my gold because I know how it feels to be on the other side, and it makes me do gold things. Therefore, my gold side shows because of the mistakes I make as an orange, so it's all part of learning and fixing the things I've done.

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